
You can enter the payroll information for the workers and employees in this window. After an employee has finished all of the tasks that have been allocated to him, you can establish a payroll for him. In this manner, the system will retrieve all the information, including production pay, overtime, and other things.

Go to Accounts and then Payroll

Next, choose the Payroll Period, Payout Date, and Paying Store for the Employee/Staff. The wage details, production data, and attendance details will show up once you have chosen all of them. As you can see in the image above, the system will retrieve all of the facts under Particulars. Additionally, if you subtract any salary taxes, they will be shown in detail and you can also add your own.

Similarly, you can see all the details of Production work

From the above image, you can see all the work that was assigned to the worker. Here the piece rate will be displayed if you have defined it earlier in the employee profile or item in the tailoring items. And if you want to add any extra rate then you can add it. All the current work, current work that was not delivered to the customer, and unpaid carry forward work which means if you skipped any work order to calculate it in the next payroll period, that will be displayed in un-paid carry forward work. Any paid or repeated work will also be shown. You can select and skip the works to the next payroll period of the worker.

Now the Attendance Details

Here, all of the attendance information, including the total number of working days, absent days, and paid and unpaid leaves, will be displayed. You may also define overtime.If you use a biometric device, your attendance will be tracked, along with any late arrivals and early departures. From here, you can indicate whether a person missed any days.

In setup->HR Setup configuration, the week off, holidays, and overtime can all be customized. You can click Submit Attendance after finalizing all the data by modifying or choosing them.

And the Sales Commission is

The order-wise net total amounts are shown in the image. You must enter the commission % in the commission column in order to compute the total commission.

Let’s look at the final one, loan repayment.

Now that the loan repayment amount (which you can choose when giving the worker a loan) is $1,000, this sum will be subtracted before the net income is determined. The repayment amount will appear in every new payroll. Additionally, if the borrower chooses, they may pay back the entire loan amount at once. The total loan amount can then be added here in the repayment amount field.

You can enter any message for internal use in the additional note column before submitting the paycheck.