How to Create a Tailor, Cutter Master or Worker Profile

Individual profiles can be created for all the production workers and masters. All their details like in which item they will work, which production process they will do and how much piece rates they will get, all the things can be defined in their profile.

To create the production worker’s profile, go to Setup, HR Setup and then Employees/Contractors. Click on Add New Employee.

Basic Info.

In the basic info., add all the details like name and contact info. etc. You can also upload a picture of the employee in the basic information.

Official Info.

In the official info. you can define the employees’ work details.

Select if the worker is active or not. If the worker is a cutting master, tailor etc then select the option Is a Production Worker. If they take measurements, you may select the option Can Take Measurement. Then select the location at which they are appointed. This is important to select the location.

In Hours & Income, you can add the fixed salary of the worker.

Then if you go to the Production Profile, there you can define the production process and piece rates for the workers.

Select the Eligible Production Process for the workers and then select in which garment they will do the production process. For every item, you may define individual piece rates for individual workers.

If you want to edit any worker profile click on Revise Official Info and you will be able to edit the official info.

To know more details you may follow the below link.