Priority List

In the priority list, all the orders that were added to the priority will be displayed so that the production process speeds up. The supervisor can take extra care of the priority orders and keep an eye on them for timely deliveries.

Go to Production and then Priority List.

Select the store and click Search.

In the All Customers Summary, you will see all the customers’ names and their total orders that have been added to the priority list.

If you want to see the production process-wise data, then you can go to the item categories.

Here in each item category, you may check the priority dates and production process details. Tasks can be assigned from here by clicking on the ‘task icon.’

Next, in the ‘All Orders’ section, you will see all the priority order numbers with other details.

Priority order dates, numbers, and total item details can be checked here. Production work details can be viewed by clicking the ‘view’ icon.

Again, in the Priority Calendar, in the failed promises section, you will see the list of priority orders.

Click on the dates or item numbers to see the details.